发布时间:2024-06-25 浏览次数:28

杨三江,男,1992年出生,中共党员。湖北师范大学讲师。主要从事通过NRQED方法采用关联基组精确计算少体原子分子能谱以及幻零波长、魔幻波长等重要性质。目前研究内容主要集中在DKH变换在精密谱计算中的应用, $m\alpha^7$阶相对论 Bethe Logarithm的精确计算以及关联高斯基组的高效优化方法。在Physical Review A上以第一作者发表论文两篇,第二作者发表论文一篇(rapid communication),Chinese Physics B上以共同通讯作者发表论文一篇(suggested by editors)2023年获得国自然青年科学基金资助一项。


2020.6—至今              湖北师范大学物理与电子科学学院  讲师




  1. San-Jiang Yang; Xue-Song Mei; Ting-Yun Shi; Hao-Xue Qiao ; Application of the HylleraasB-spline basis set: Static dipole polarizabilities of helium, Physical Review A, 2017, 95: 062505

  2. San-Jiang Yang; Yong-Bo Tang; Yong-Hua Zhao; Ting-Yun Shi; Hao-Xue Qiao ; Application of the Hylleraas-B-spline basis set: Nonrelativistic Bethe logarithm of helium, Physical Review A, 2019, 100: 042509

  3. Fang-Fei Wu; San-Jiang Yang; Yong-Hui Zhang; Jun-Yi Zhang; Hao-Xue Qiao; Ting-Yun Shi; Li-Yan Tang ; Relativistic full-configuration-interaction calculations of magic wavelengths for the 2(3)S(1) -> 2(1)S(0) transition of helium isotopes, Physical Review A, 2018, 98: 040501

  4. Chengdong Zhou; Yuewu Yu; Sanjiang Yang; Haoxue Qiao ; Geometric quantities of lower doubly excited bound states of helium, Chinese Physics B, 2022, 31: 030301